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About me

What makes me different
Portrait of Charlotte Pordage

Who am I?


My name is Charlotte. I was born in a small town on the south coast of England and am currently enjoying the bright city lights of Melbourne. I’m a country girl at heart though and when I’m not writing, I’m usually with my horse.


In 2011, I graduated from Royal Holloway, University of London, with joint honours in English and Latin. My degree gave me a sound basis in critical thinking, effective research and structuring an argument and a meticulous approach to grammar and punctuation.


I’ve also studied two courses in Australia: a Diploma in Interactive Digital Media in 2015 and a Certificate IV in Marketing and Communications the following year. While not as intensive as my degree, both these courses allowed me to learn about more specialised areas of content creation and improved my understanding of digital platforms.

What can I do for you?


You don’t just need a writer, you need a story-teller


Well-crafted stories create emotional resonance and human connection. They communicate abstract and complex ideas in ways that encourage understanding, introduce a new topics into the public dialogue, contribute to ongoing conversations and engage people as active participants. That’s where I come in. I’ve been writing stories for as long as I can remember (my mum refuses to throw away the evidence) and have been working as a media and communications professional since 2014.

My experience

Associate Editor, Monkey Media Enterprises

October 2017-present

Monkey Media is a B2B publisher and marketing agency, connecting trade companies with their customers through a range of high quality magazines and unique made-to-measure marketing services. My role includes print and online magazine production, content marketing for industry clients and event planning and coordination.

Contributing Writer, The Plus Ones

April 2016-present

I regularly review food, arts and culture events for The Plus Ones, a global entertainment brand dedicated to showcasing Earth’s best experiences.

Digital Communications Coordinator, HRAFF

February 2017-June 2017

Worked under pressure to implement a brand new website for the launch of the 2017 Human Rights Arts and Film Festival, creating individual page content and an online festival program. I also produced a variety of email marketing campaigns for the duration of the festival.

Digital Content Producer, Oaktree

July 2016-September 2016

Created social media content, wrote blog posts, drafted fundraising and campaign emails and produced a variety of multimedia for a non-profit organisation focused on international development and poverty alleviation.

Managing Editor, The Northsider

October 2015-October 2016

Managed a team of over 30 writers, editors and photographers to deliver regular print and online content to over 10,000 monthly readers in communities across Melbourne’s north.

Local News Editor, The Northsider

September 2014-October 2015

Decided coverage and content for the local news section, ensuring all articles were of a consistently high quality and had a strong focus on news and events happening in the northern suburbs.  As well as assigning stories to other writers, I undertook my own interviews and reporting.

My skills





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